VSU ODREX, Visca Baybay City – The Visayas Consortium for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Program (VICARP), one of the best consortium in agriculture has recently set its direction for five years. The new strategic plan has six (6) operative goals with 33 sets of actions. These goals are geared towards, (1) enhancing effectiveness and relevance; (2) strengthening partnership and collaborations; (3) improving fiscal management; (4) advancing visibility and reputation; (5) intensifying technology utilization; and (6) active participation in policy formulation.
About 20 representatives of the member agencies to VICARP which includes Samar State University attended the operational planning held on March 19, 2018, at the Office of the Vice President for Research and Extension of the Visayas State University where the VICARP office is housed. The planning resulted in the identifying about 50 outcomes for the year 2018.
Some of the proposed activities that were emphasized included activities to improve visibility using multimedia not only through print but emphasizing more on the use of an electronic platform like Facebook, VICAP website, Research Gate and Academia registration of researchers and VICARP as an institution. The felt need to improve utilization of research outputs also was given due emphasis specifically on packaging technologies and investment portfolio, technology protection and transfer including harmonization of IP policies of member agencies as well as the conduct of regular investment fora.
The new strategic plan is hoped to sustain the excellent performance in the country and gain international recognition through enhanced visibility as a research organization.