QUEZON CITY, MANILA—In a launching event spearheaded by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) on February 12 (24) at the CHED Auditorium dubbed as Paglaum kag Pagdaug: Access and Success for Quality and Inclusive Higher Education, Samar State University (SSU) was one of the three selected State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) commissioned for the program “Empowering Equity Target Students: Enhancing Access and Success in State Universities and Colleges across Regions I, VIII, and XIII.”
Presented by SSU Executive Director for Research, Dr. Sherrie Ann C. Labid, together with University President Dr. Marilyn D. Cardoso and other team members, the Visayas region’s proposal gained an audience from among Presidents/Heads/Officers-In-Charge of SUCs.
Also held on the same day were the National Conference on SUCs on Program Quality Assurance in the context of Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) and the awarding of the UP Gawad Oblation to CHED Secretary Dr. J. Prospero “Popoy” E. De Vera, III.
The ‘three-in-one’ event was expected to offer an exchange of methodologies, discuss best practices, and cultivate a learning and innovative culture, thereby, guaranteeing quality and excellence in tertiary education initiatives.