By Ma Lyme F. Correche
The unprecedented challenges brought about by the pandemic has resulted to the adoption of flexible learning modality. To address the problems concerning assessment in the new normal, Dr. Enriquita D. Reston, University of San Carlos’ Dean of School of Education, who served as the 2nd keynote speaker on the 3rd day of the weeklong Samar SSU University-Wide Annual Faculty Development Training, delivered a lecture-discussion about “Tracing Learning-Teaching Performance on Flexible Learning Modality” held on August 4, 2021, at Convention Center live streamed at different locations in the main campus.
To equip the curriculum implementers of Samar State University, faculty members from the College of Education, College of Nursing and Heath Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, College of Engineering, College of Industrial Technology, SSU- Paranas Campus, and SSU-Mercedes Campus attended the event.
Dr. Reston’s discussion was divided into four sections, 1. Looking Back, Moving Forward, 2. Tracing Students’ Learning Performance, 3. Tracing Teaching Performance, and 4. New Normal & Flexible Learning. In between her lecture, the different colleges, and the external and extension campuses were tasked to participate in the group workshop activity answering the questions on how the faculty were able to trace theirs students’ learning towards the attainment and demonstration of course outcomes.
She further underscored the different ways and recommendations to move forward such as developing of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). “Tracing has a purpose. When you trace the students’ learning, it has a two-fold purpose. First, improve teaching and promote learning, and second, to evaluate and certify as basis for grading. When you trace the teachers’ performance, we can student learning analytics with specific intent on improving teaching performance and student learning.” Dr. Reston quipped.