CATBALOGAN CITY─ At an Inception Meeting for a Technical Working Group (TWG) to Create a Standardized Institutional Policy and Guidelines on Hiring and Promotion called by the Office of Commissioner Aldrin A. Darilag, Ph.D. (OCAD) datedApril 28 (21),Samar State University (SSU) was nominated to Chair and Negros Oriental State University (NOrSu) to Co-Chair the said TWG.
SSU and NOrSu called for a meeting the day after to create sub-committees of the Talent Management Committee namely; Talent Acquisition led by Mr. Roque A. Irader of the University of Eastern Philippines (UEP), Talent Retention, Promotion, Succession Planning led by Dr. Francis Ann Sy of Southern Leyte State University (SLSU), and Talent Sharing led by Dr. Felisa E. Gomba of SSU.
And in a TWG Meeting held via zoom on June 7 (21), the sub-committees presented their initial outputs while SSU’s University President, Dr. Marilyn D. Cardoso, presented the name and the logo of the consortium for approval from its members.
For the consortium’s name, Dr. Cardoso presented CO-SHINE which stands for Consortium of Soaring Higher Education Institutions in the Visayas through Noteworthy Endeavors for Effective Talent Management.
“CO doesn’t just stand for consortium. It also stands for cooperate, collaborate, coaptate, and constantly communicate for a common goal-effective talent management,” Dr. Cardoso expounded.
She also explained the proposed logo where the word CO-SHINE is positioned at the center with year 2021 denoting the year the consortium was founded.
“The eight (8) human genderless figures typify unity among the eight (8) member-State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) namely; Biliran Province State University, Carlos Hilado Memorial State College, Leyte Normal University, Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, NOrSu, SLSU, UEP, and SSU and that these figures also represent rays of the sun to mean the consortium’s purpose─ radiate and empower people,” she added.
Dr. Cardoso detailed the interplay of colors in the logo which according to her, connotes the guiding principles of the consortium along human and talent management: passionate and committed (red), innovative and accountable (orange), resilient, self-managed, and holistic (teal), creative and intuitive (purple), harmonious and practical (magenta), worthy and quality (violet), balanced and stable (cyan), and empowered and decisive (lime).
Creating a harmonized institutional policy on hiring, retention, promotion, succession planning, and talent sharing is a brain child of Commissioner Darilag which eight (8) member-SUCs intend to co-shine with.