Samar State University

SSU reviews Strategic Plan 2017-2021


CATBALOGAN CITY – Hosted by the Planning Management Office, Samar State University (SSU) conducted its yearly Management Review during on January 4 (20) via Zoom Web Conference.

The review was attended by the University President, Vice Presidents, Campus Directors, Deans, Heads of Units, Student Leaders, Parents, Industry and Government Agencies, and BOR Representatives.

“This event is devoted to evaluate the effectiveness of the Management System for the Top Management to determine its continued suitability and adequacy using the newly crafted Monitoring and Target Setting Forms,” said Dr. Rodrigo G. Estrada, Planning Management Officer.

Anchored on the end goal of making SSU as one of the top 200 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Asia by 2040, each department and unit presented its performance accomplishments and targets. Through the event, SSU would be able to come up

Through the event, SSU would be able to come up with a final report of the University Strategic Plan to continually improve its reputation and to rally social conditions.

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