Samar State University

SSU holds cultural tilt

(By: Jhon Carlo Ladipe and Jevah Mae Piamonte)

Poetical, melodious and invigorate music described the student’s performance during the 15th Charter Day Celebration: Cultural Competition held at SSU grounds, November 12 in the afternoon.

The said competition was participated by the different colleges: College of Education (COEd), College of Engineering (COEng), College of Nursing and Health Services (CONHS), College of Industrial Technology (CIT) and the different external campuses: SSU- Paranas, SSU- Mercedes, and SSU- Basey.

Participants showcased their poetical skills in Spoken Poetry, melodic and sweet voices in Pop Solo, graceful moves in Folk Dance with a Twist and jaw-dropping acts in Modern Dance.

The Cultural Presentation became a venue of of featuring various culture through talent presentations. It highlighted not only knowing the culture but embracing it towards global competitiveness.

Winners of the different events arenas follow:

*Spoken Poetry
1st: College of Education
2nd: SSU- Paranas Campus
3rd: SSU- Mercedes

*Pop Solo
1st: SSU Basey Campus
2nd: College of Industrial Technology
3rd: College of Education

*Folk Dance with a twist
1st: College of Education
2nd: College of Engineering
3rd: SSU- Basey Campus

*Modern Dance
1st: College of Education
2nd: College of Industrial and Technology
3rd: SSU- Basey Campus

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