Succeeding the implementation of the K-12 nationwide, the VPAA recognized the need of the university to cater the first batch of Senior High graduates for school year 2018-2019 by modifying the existing curriculum and developing new programs.
With the help of the University Curriculum Committee constituted by the external campus directors, deans, CIMRC chairpersons, focal person for Quality Assurance, Program and Area chairpersons, and faculty, the two-day seminar-workshop paved way to the discovery of several bases of actions to undertake in curricular adjustments, updates and offering of new programs.
“This curriculum revision seminar-workshop is not easy. It is not just listing courses and subjects. This is what determines the quantity and quality of the desired outputs of every program of the university,” Dr. Gomba said as she ended the Phase 1 of the Seminar-Workshop.
“Though this may take lots of adjustments, we are going to double our effort to improve the quality of education in our university as we innovate, build and serve,” she added.
Phase 2 of the presentation and critiquing of SSU revised curricular programs and proposed new curricular programs integrating the new CHED CMOs under the K to 12 by college will resume on January 25-26.