Samar Island Center for
Good and Local Governance (SICGLG)
To provide an umbrella organization for SSU activities for the local government to facilitate support, service, education, and leadership to all sectors of local government in Samar Island. This shall be achieved through five core areas of focus namely; research, education, professional development, consultancy and more importantly community development. (BOR No. 60 s. 2019)
The center seeks to provide support, service, education and leadership to local government of Samar Island (specifically Western Samar) through the major focus areas: Research, Education, Professional Development, Consultancy, Community Development Services (BOR No. 60 s. 2019).
Thrusts and Priorities
The center will provide technical assistance and expertise to Local Government Units such as strengthening of Barangay-Based Institutions, in response to their needs for individual and institutional capacity building, and community development.
The center will promote and advocate good governance through education, research, and extension programs and activities. The center will encourage researches related to politics and governance. It will also cater LGU assessment researches and the like. (e.g. Assessment of LGU PPAs, LGU needs assessments, etc.)Research findings will be used for policy formulation and recommendation.
The center will establish proactive collaborations and partnership with good governance advocates. It will strenghten partnership with agencies such DILG-Local Government Academy, NEDA, DILG-Samar, LGUs and PLGUs of Samar Island, Non-Governmental Organization,Peoples Organization, Other NGAs, Other HEIs/Similar Centers, and Local/Brgy Organizations.
Dr. Abigail M. Cabaguing
Director, SICGLG
Research Innovation Center, Samar State University
Catbalogan City, Samar, Philippines
Telephone No. +63997 207 9060
E-mail Address: sicglg@ssu.edu.ph