Samar State University

SSU vision and core values revised

The VPs, Deans & Associate Deans, Directors, Heads of Sections, Program Heads, Research and Extension Directors attended a two day strategic planning workshops last February 21-22, 2012 at the CGS Multi-purpose hall of Samar State University. The said workshop was conducted to revisit and develop new set of strategic plans taking into consideration the challenges such as ASEAN 2015, CHED reforms, amalgamation or the regional university system, and the typology of universities in the country to name a few. The activity conducted was the first of the many workshop series to complete the development plan. At the end of two day workshop, the group was able to formulate and select three vision and core values was presented to several assembly including the community.

Finally, after thorough deliberation and consultation with stakeholders, the SSU vision was revised through Board Resolution No. 41, s. 2014. SSU vision is now;

“A transformative University committed to technology, innovation and service excellence”

The new core values of the university are, Leadership, Excellence, Discipline, Service.



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