Samar State University

Call for Papers and Participants: National Conference on Methodological Advances in Research (NCMAR) 2019

The 3rd National Conference on Methodological Advances in Research was conceived after two national research conferences and one International Conference on advanced research methodologies were held in Regions 7 and 8 in the Philippines in 2016, 2017 and 2018, respectively. The conferences focused on fractal statistics, data mining and theory building, simulation and modeling, multivariate methods, and other research methods such as developmental, experimental, quantitative and qualitative.

These local initiatives reflect the strong determination of higher education institutions to break new ground in scientific investigation in this part of the world. The convergence of experts and avid researchers in this conference will help institutions materialize the needed scaffolding for advanced methodologies to thrive and become useful in the academe and in the communities.

It is greatly expected then that research practices across nations will strike more critical questions on the relevance of knowledge production to ASEAN and to the world.

  • Conference Goals
  1. Provide an avenue for researchers, scientists, educators, students, grassroots leaders, industry practitioners, and policy-makers in and non-government institutions to discuss and share findings and solutions using advanced research methods.
  2. Raise awareness on the latest world-changing researches attained through advanced methodologies.
  3. Bridge communication between and among individuals and institutions in the promotion of knowledge production through research.
  4. Create synergy among higher education institutions to overcome current and future issues basseting the internationalization of research.

A 250-word abstract must be submitted to not later than October 21, 2019. Authors of accepted papers will be notified on or before October 31, 2019. Abstracts must belong to any of the six strands, authors are encouraged to identify what strand they wish their paper be evaluated.

  • Conference Strands
  1. Simulation and Modelling
  2. Data Mining and Multivariate Methods
  3. Theory Development Methods
  4. Experiments and Technology Development
  5. Descriptive Quantitative Method
  6. Descriptive Qualitative Method
  • Expected Conference Attendees

            Researchers, Scientists, Educators, Students, Grassroots leaders, Industry practitioners, Policy-makers in government and non-government institutions

  • Partner Institutions
  1. Agusan Del Sur State College of Agriculture
  2. Bukidnon Island State University
  3. Cebu Normal University
  4. Cebu Technological University
  5. Eastern Visayas State University
  6. Jose Rizal Memorial State University
  7. Leyte Normal University
  8. Negros Oriental State University
  9. Northwestern Mindano State University of Science and Technology
  10. Biliran Province State University
  11. Surigao Del Sur State University
  12. Surigao State College of Technology
  13. Southern Leyte State University
  14. University of San Jose Recoletos

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