Samar State University

COEng’g holds 1st college alumni org meeting

The first set of the COEng’g Alumni Organization Officers.

Catbalogan City – College of Engineering (COEng’g) made history by holding the first-ever college alumni organization meeting in Samar State University (SSU), August 25

Attended by the College’s alumni from its very first class of 1988 to its 2017 graduates, the meeting aimed to establish a strong linkage between the University, specifically COEng’g, and its alumni who can help attain SSU’s vision and mission; to get inputs from the industry for the engineering curricula revision and other pertinent matters such as instruction improvement; to start a potential partnership for alumni employment; and to launch an alumni sponsorship program.

Taking its first step to achieving the objectives of both the organization and the meeting, the SSU COEng’g Alumni Interim Officers were elected with Engr. Meilou C. Macabare as the organization president having four vice-presidents and secretaries for each program (Civil Eng’g, Computer Eng’g, Electrical Eng’g and Electronics Eng’g).

Being the first of its kind, the COEng’g Alumni Organization will have another meeting on September 4, 4 pm, at the COEng’g Accreditation Room for the drafting of by-laws before deciding whether to adopt the same SSU Alumni Organization By-laws or to make revisions suiting the College’s needs/concerns.  The drafting will also consider the students’ needs and the industry’s demands.

The attendees also agreed to discuss the organization’s name and SEC registration in the next meeting.  It was also decided that the First Alumni General Assembly be held on December 28, 2017 to allow a greater participation from the alumni and discuss further matters such as election of officers, alumni projects and activities, and further necessary ratification of the by-laws.

The meeting was attended by the classes of 1988, 1997, 1998, 2006, 2000, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017.

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