TANAUAN, LEYTE— With a working theme “Expanding the Horizon: Boosting One’s Resiliency in Research Publication”, 30 faculty-researchers attend the Writing Articles for Research Journal Publication Boot Camp 2023 today, March 6 (23), at Haiyan Hotel and Resort, Tanauan Leyte.
Spearheaded by the Office of the Executive Director for Research, Dr. Sherrie Ann C. Labid, the Boot Camp aimed to equip participants with learnings on packaging and publishing institutionally-funded projects into an ASEAN/Scopus-Indexed Journal for 2023 R&D publication target accomplishment.
Serving as mentors to the participants were Eastern Visayas State University Graduate School Faculty Prof. Ferdinand T. Abocejo, De La Salle University Vice Chair of the Department of Sociology and Behavioral Sciences College of Liberal Arts Prof. Jerome V. Cleofas, University of the Philippines-Tacloban Associate Professor Dr. Techn. Jasmine A. Malinao, and Southern Leyte State University Director for Bio Resource Production Technology Center Dr. Gladys L. Pascual.
“As an SUC we are mandated to do research and expected of key performance indicators: publication, presentation, and utilization. This is our challenge for personal and institutional benefit,” said Dr. Labid during her presentation of the event’s Rationale.
The boot camp will conclude on Wednesday, March 8, with faculty-researchers ready to think, write, and publish.