Delta Epsilon (Society of Would-Be Engineers) Samar State University Chapter has presided the Engineering Math Wizard 2022 last November 17,2022 at College of Engineering Room 202 that was participated by 33 engineering students.
The event was started by prayer and singing of national anthem. Followed by the Delta Epsilon Prime Minister Mark Antony V. Calipayan by his opening remarks. Sis Cristel Joy Orlanda stated the mechanics of competition; Elimination Round composed of 10 minutes – 15 items questions and Final Round composed Easy, Average and Difficult category with 20 items questions.
As the elimination round ended, there were 10 students qualified for the final round. Namely, PG Darren Bubuli, Magic Vidad ,Mac Louie Morabor, Jamil Mabag, Jorge Moreno, Loreen Wilmer Yano, Alfredo Yano, Jessie Abantao, Pamela Navales and Jero Tabontabon.
The 10 Qualifiers competed in the Easy, Average and Difficult Category. During the Final Round, some questions were being evaluated by the Board of Judges, Engr. Jacob C. Manlapaz, Engr. Rikki John Malinao and Sis Ella Mae V. Zartiga.
The Final Round was concluded when Jessie Abantao clinched the title “Engineering Math Wizard 2022”, Magic Vidad and Mac Louie Morabor won Engineering Math Wizard 2022 1st Runner-up and Engineering Math Wizard 2nd Runner-up, respectively. They were awarded with cash prize and certificates with the assistance of Delta Epsilon SSU Chapter Alumni Engr. Jundy Cosmod, Delta Epsilon Adviser Engr. Maricris M. Ediza and Delta Epsilon Prime Minister Mark Antony V. Calipayan for the Grand Prize,1st Runner-Up, and 2nd Runner-Up, separately.
The event was ended with the closing remarks of Engr. Maricris M. Ediza as she thanked those participating students, especially to the student members of Delta Epsilon SSU Chapter who facilitated and organized the event, “The Search for Engineering Math Wizard 2022”. The organization is committed to continue to inspire and motivate all engineering students to engage in a competitive environment.
Thank You for your participation would-be Engineers, see you until the next Search!