CATBALOGAN CITY─ Samar State University- Center for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Research and Development (SSU-CFARRD) spearheaded a training on Freshwater Pond Construction, Production, and Fish Health Management among fishermen in San Jorge, Samar on November 8-11 (22).
With the Provincial Local Government Unit of Samar as co-implementer, the training aimed to equip fishermen with knowledge and skills along post-harvest and aquaculture technology.
Staff from the Center and the Samar Provincial Fisheries (SPF) office served as Resource Speakers on topics: Introduction to Aquaculture, Planning a Fish Farm, Aspects in Pond Site Selection, Site Preparation, Freshwater Pond Designs, Freshwater Species for Aquaculture, Selecting Species for Aquaculture and Fish Stocking, Fish Pond Management, and Fish Diseases, Precautions, and Treatments.
Besides the interactive lectures, the 45 SPF & Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources tilapia dispersal recipient-attendees also experienced fieldwork and practical exercises, workshops, critiquing, and solicitation feedbacks.
This extension program is another response to one of the Center’s thrust: Support to LGU Fisheries through capacitating and strengthening aquatic management councils.