Samar State University owes a great deal of its success and profound transformation in various aspects of its operations to the hard work and exemplary performance of its workforce who dedicated their careers to build the strength and very foundation of the institution over the years.
As per BOR Resolution No. 75, s. 2017, the Rewards and Recognition System of the Office of the Human Resource Management in its commitment to the Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM), also known as the SULO AWARDS, was established to recognize the achievements and excellent performance of its employees along their duties and functions. It was designed to honor and commend exemplary employees for their valuable role and contributions in continuously building a culture of innovation and excellence in the University and to further encourage creativity, innovativeness, efficiency, productivity, integrity, courage, and selflessness to public service.
And this year 2021, the Most Outstanding Employee who exhibited the three attributes of SSU – innovator, builder, and service and has contributed to the much-needed change for the university towards making it more efficient, effective, and productive is no less than a faculty from the College of Education and the Director of International Affairs, Dr. Elmer A. Irene.