Edited by: Ms. Arianne T. Salcedo
CATBALOGAN CITY – Fifty (50) elementary teachers of Catbalogan 1 Central Elementary School (C1CES) attended the Psychosocial First Aid (PFA) Training organized by the Extension Services of Samar State University (SSU) in partnership with the City Welfare and Development Services (CSWDO) on October 12-13 (21).
Psychological First Aid (PFA) is the globally recommended training for supporting people during emergencies and offers guidance on delivering psychosocial first aid.
Samar State University (SSU) and the City Welfare and Development Services (CSWDO) chose the elementary teachers since they are one of the frontliners during calamities and especially in this challenging time.
Dr. Cañal and Ms. Junelle Gueraa, SSU Training Coordinator, served as speakers during the two-day event covering topics on the Mental Health and Psychological Well-Being, Principles of Psychosocial Support, the Basic Counselling Skills, How to Handle People Showing Elevated Symptoms, and Practicing Self-Care.
Teacher-participants are expected to facilitate PFA to anyone including their students as a temporary aid to reduce acute psychological distress.