CATBALOGAN CITY – Engineers and planners from the Local Government Units (LGUs) and government offices of Samar joined the Seminar-Workshop on Rainfall-Runoff Modelling through the Hydrologic Engineering Center – Hydrologic Modelling System/River Analysis System (HEC-HMS/RAS) on June 7 (21) at the SSU Convention Center.
Limiting the number of participants due to the pandemic, only 50 participants were able to avail the free workshop spearheaded by Samar State University (SSU) College of Engineering (COEng’g) and Graduate School (GS).
The attendees from different LGUs in Samar brought rasterized image of their watershed, soil/geological map of the watershed, current and future land use of the area covered, and precipitation data, specifically those that have caused floods in the respective areas that were used during the workshop.
They were primarily taught how to use the HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS to better understand rainfall-runoff phenomenon and help improve flood control designs of the local government engineers.
The systems were software from the US Army Corps of Engineers that would really benefit the locality and the LGUs of Samar.