BASEY, SAMAR – More than 30 farmers of Barangay Balante, Basey, Samar were trained by the Samar State University – Science and Technology Community-Based Farm (SSU-STCBF) team on the Proper handling of stem cuttings and establishment of staggered planting system for sweet potato production on May 26 and 28 (21).
The project primarily aimed to enhance and sustain sweet potato production in Basey through innovative techniques of planting.
“We saw the willingness of the farmers to learn the science of planting to improve sweet potato production in their locality,” said Dr. Marife M. Lacaba, SSU-STCBF Project Leader.
The participants attended an orientation first with resource speakers Ms. Renalyn V. Bardaje, Project Agriculturist, and Mr. Adolfo Orbasilo on behalf of Mrs. Lina Padagdag, the Municipal Agriculturist of Basey, Samar.
Afterwards, they went to the actual planting site and participated the hands-on activity.
“Nalipay kami hini nga buruhaton ngan damo an amon nahibaruan kun paano gamiton staggered planting system ngan kun paano mag-handle hin stem cuttings [We enjoyed the activity and learned so much especially that we were able to experience how to apply the staggered planting system and how to handle stem cuttings],” stated Mr. Genaro Oñate, one of the participant-trainees.
The SSU-STCBF on Sweet Potato Production in Basey is a supported project by the Department of Science Technology – Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD) implemented by Samar State University (SSU) in collaboration with Eastern Visayas State University (EVSU) and LGU-Basey, Samar.