CATBALOGAN CITY─ The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) notified Samar State University (SSU) to proceed on its project titled “Enhancing Samar State University’s Learning Management System” after it has been awarded with a grant under CHED’s Institutional Development and Innovation Grants (IDIG).
Led by the Vice President for Research and Extension Services, Dr. Ronald L. Orale, the 14M (12M from CHED and 2M from SSU) project is already expected to commence.
The project intends to: Establish an Audio-Video Production Center which will be used to produce quality AV lessons to be shared through the University YouTube channel and uploaded to the SSU-Learning Management System (LMS); Procure a heavy-duty printing facility for the production of modules and other printing needs of the University; Enhance the existing Audio Visual and Training Room of the Research and Innovation Center which will be capable of performing online-training system; and Digitize Graduate School’s theses and dissertations making it available in an Online-Journal System platform.
Potential impacts of the project have already been foreseen including enhancement of the teaching-learning process, reduction of printing expenses, unhampered delivery of extension services through virtual trainings and capacity building, and optimization of the University’s knowledge sources. All these will surely build SSU’s reputation in the Philippines and abroad which is aligned with the University’s Internationalization Goal on Preparing the Foundation of an International University.
And based on the proposal, the project is not only responsive to the current Covid scenario but also and still be relevant and useful post-Covid.
“Thanks to CHED for this new project. SSU is so grateful for the many projects supported by CHED,” expressed Dr. Orale in his social media post.
Truly, this one is yet another milestone for SSU as it continues to innovate, build, and serve.