“Why do we need to write?” It was the foremost question asked by Dr. Teody C. San Andres, President of St. Andrew Publishing House and the Vice President for Executive Operations of Bulacan State University during his rationale on Instructional Materials Development, Production and Publication at Samar State University, July 25, 2019.
“Convince yourself to write and for the production, we need to produce quality materials,” Dr. San Andres said to the participants of the Seminar-Workshop.
He highlighted that there is a need to engage everyone for writing, extension, research and production and to comply for the books that are part of the agenda or the university’s mission and vision.
There were other speakers from the aforementioned publishing house who delivered their presentations connected to the talk of the previous speaker. Mr. Marlon B. Santos, one of the speakers, anchored his talk on preparation and development of instructional materials and emphasized that knowledge is not enough to be an effective teacher.
“We need to identify the problems and needs as regard to the use of instructional materials and explore solutions in addressing the problems,” Mr. Santos said during the delivery of his topic on the stages of IMs development.
“We need to bridge the gap between what the students ought to know and what they already know. Then, we can think of tasks and activities before we can proceed to the actual process writing,” he added.
Mr. Rowell Dr. Castro tackled about lay-outing based on OBE format. He stressed on output-based education which is considered tangible-based, whereas, outcome-based education refers to the students themselves. He also shared his expertise on the OBE format book, deadly sins of typography, and framework for OBE and he further emphasized that the university core values should always be incorporated in the activities.
Clearly revealed in Mr. Cyrelle A. Austria’s talk were the updates on the nature of Intellectual Property (IP). He noted that a copyrightable work is created when two requirements are met: originality and expressions. Issues on copyright infringement and plagiarism were also part of the lecture.
Notably, aside from delivering comprehensive discussions on IMs development, production and publication, the team also donated reference books to the university.