In conformity to the astrologer’s belief, the Administration convened the first General Assembly for the year 2018 last January 15, 1PM at the Audio-Visual Hall with the Yellow Earth Dog theme.
The earth dog has a responsible character and makes his decisions for the collective interest, and she believes that all 252 faculty members would resemble it said Dr. Lydia Gonzales, CAO for Administrative Services.

Vice-President Ronald L. Orale of the Research and Extension Services brought up-to-date matters regarding the vision of INNOVATION through Planning, Research and Extension. Dr. Orale declared, “We could spearhead the improvement of the quality of life in our community through research and extension.”
“We could do more this year,” he added.

Notifying the addressees about BUILDING through Academic Instruction, Dr. Felisa E. Gomba, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, highlighted the proposed new opening of classes for S.Y. 2018-2019 in August instead of June.
“We want SSU to be aligned with the international SUCs, and this move is one way to attain it,” said Dr. Gomba as she enumerated the reasons for this major action.
Focusing on the K+12 Senior High graduates of 2018, Dr. Gomba stated that no local graduate shall be denied acceptance in applying for college entrance examinations because SSU is an implementer of RA 10931 known as the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act through free tuition on regular fees.
RA 10931 is an act promoting universal access to quality tertiary education by providing for free tuition and other school fees in state universities and colleges, local universities and colleges and state-run technical-vocational institutions, establishing the tertiary education subsidy and student loan program, strengthening the unified student financial assistance system for tertiary education, and appropriating fund (http://www.lawphil.net/statutes/repacts/ra2017/ra_10931_2017.html).
“This year’s enrollment population of the students would bloat threefold or more,” she concluded.

“Service requires humility,” emphasized Dr. Jose S. Labro, the Vice-President of the Administrative Affairs as he commenced his speech about SERVING through Administrative Services. He encouraged the faculty and staff with the tenets of public service.

The SSU President, Dr. Marilyn D. Cardoso, started her speech by declaring 2018 as a secured, rewarding and profitable year for SSU. She, then, quoted the official tagline of the university thru BOR 80 s. 2017 “We innovate, we build, we serve”.
She showcased the achievements of SSU along these four major areas: instruction, extension, research, and production.
“The reason why we are here is because we need to know where SSU is heading. It’s like we are riding on a bus and you need to know where we are going so you could enjoy the ride,” Dr. Cardoso said.
She ended her talk by thanking every personnel saying, “We all achieved these because of you.”