Written by Arianne Rose Tafalla
Spearheaded by the office of the vice-president for Academic Affairs (VPAA), Samar State University (SSU) faculty and staff attended the In-house Seminar-Workshop on Academic and Administrative Processes towards Increasing Productivity and Excellence on May 25-27, 2016 at the SSU Audio-Visual Center.
Lecture topics were very timely and highly relevant and the lecturers were truly experts of the different fields. Prof. Marlon B. Santos talked on Process Writing and Editing, Prof. Anthony Paul B. Mendoza on Intellectual Property Rights, and Prof. Rowell Castro on Book Lay-out and Graphics. All the three of them came from Bulacan State University (BSU). Engr. Francisco Uyvico Jr., from Far Eastern University, Manila served as the resource speaker on OBE for Engineering, S&T while Dr. Remedios Sarcon, a professor from BSU, on OBE for Education and Social Sciences. The consultant from Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Dr. Libertad P. Garcia, lectured on Institutional Quality Assurance Program, Prof. Vivian L. Moya on Increasing Productivity in SSU-Innovation in Academe, and Prof. Jesus T. Racuyal on Prospect of Resource Generation in Academe on the 2nd day. The Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Felisa E. Gomba, discussed SSU Journey to Excellence on the 3rd and final day.
The university president, Dr. Marilyn D. Cardoso, mentioned in her opening speech that the university’s vision, “A Transformative University Committed to Technology, Innovation, and Service Excellence,” calls each one to perform quality and excellent performance.
In the closing ceremony, selected participants gave their impressions on the seminar-workshop. Prof. Pedro S. Cabrales of the College of Arts and Sciences shared that “It was once again a great opportunity to refresh ourselves with the spirit of SSU, to revisit our goals and commitments, and to reload our energies in facing challenges in the coming year.”
With all these and as evidenced from the evaluation on the seminar, the three-day training was a huge success. The office of the VPAA, with endless support from the president’s office, achieved its purpose in renewing the vigor of faculty and staff so they, too, may achieve excellence in delivering their respective functions. The yearly seminar-workshop was a step forward on SSU’s journey toward excellence. According to Dr. Garcia, “The important thing is you (SSU) will be able to manifest changes after this seminar-workshop and translate them into reality.”